Page 275 - Redes, Estado, Empresa y Telecomunicaciones en Puerto Rico
P. 275
V. S. Clarke, Porto Rico and Its 41 Ibíd., 43; Hunt, Second Annual 55 Ibíd.
problems (Brookings Institution, Report… 1902, 223-224. 56 H. García Muñiz, Sugar and Power
1930), 644. 42 Luego de la transferencia, el NTI in the Caribbean: The South Puerto
35 Report of the Commissioner of the consigue abrir otras ocho estaciones Rico Sugar Company in Puerto Rico
Interior… 1903, 11. Ver Carrel, Register de telégrafo en menos de un año. and the Dominican Republic, 1900-
of Puerto Rico for 1910, 182. El texto Estas fueron: Manatí (3 de febrero de 1921 (Kingston/Miami Ian Randle
original lee como sigue: 1901), Aguadilla (5 de febrero de 1901), Publishers; San Juan: Editorial
The Army of occupation found a Arroyo (22 de marzo de 1901), Coamo Universidad de Puerto Rico, 2010);
system established throughout the (24 de marzo de 1901), Yauco (11 de A. Calvo, Historia de Telefónica:
island extending to the smallest and junio de 1901), Arecibo (27 de junio 1925-1975. Primeras décadas, tecno-
most isolated villages owned and de 1901). Report of the Commissioner logía, economía y política (Madrid:
controlled by the government. It of the Interior… 1901, 43-45; Hunt, Fundación Telefónica, 2011), 95-96; A.
was in bad state of repair, the old Second Annual Report… 1902, 39. Sampson, The Sovereign State of ITT
Morse tape instruments were in use, 43 Report of the Commissioner of the (Nueva York: Stein & Day Publishers,
and their manipulation so much of Interior… 1910, 43, 70. El Negociado 1973); Guía de abonados – The Porto
a mystery to many of the so-called del Telégrafo Insular es una de ocho Rico General Telephone Company,
operators that they often found divisiones en el Departamento del 1916 y 1922 (Archivo General de
it convenient to send messages by Interior, compuesto por varios ne- Puerto Rico, Colección de Guías
mail, and let it to be recorded, as an gociados y divisiones: Office of the Telefónicas); Lehman Brothers Co-
excuse for slow delivery, that the Commissioner, Division of Property llection (Harvard Business School,
lines were down. and Accounts, Bureau of Public Baker Library, Historical Collec-
36 H. A. Giddings, Exploits of the Works, Division of Public Buildings, tions),,
Signal Corps in the War with Spain Division of Public Lands, Division of consultado 30 diciembre 2013.
(Kansas City: Hudson-Kimberly Harbor and Docks y el Puerto Rico 57 El desarrollo de los local exchan-
Publishing, 1900), 83, 124. El texto Irrigation Service. ges no excederá los cinco años a
original lee como sigue: 44 Rodríguez Braschi, “Servicio de partir de la fecha de otorgación de la
[W]hile in Porto Rico the Signal Corps telégrafos…”, 712. franquicia. Disdier, Datos históricos
occupied the Spanish telegraph 45 Annual Report of the Governor of de Telefónica, Vol. I, Parte 1, 15.
office in Ponce close on the heels of Porto Rico 1925, 52. 58 The International Telephone and
the former operators, replacing the 46 A. M. Monteagudo y A. Escámez Telegraph Corporation: A Description
smashed switchboard with a new one (eds.), Álbum de oro de Puerto Rico of its Field of Operations, Present
made out of an old brass sugar kettle, (La Habana: Artes Gráficas, 1939). Properties and Prospects (Nueva
and keeping the flying lines abreast 47 M. D. Luque, La ocupación nor- York: International Telephone and
of the outposts, and in some cases teamericana y la Ley Foraker (La Telegraph Corporation, 1923), 7-13.
in advance of them, for on July 28th opinión pública puertorriqueña 1898- Consultado en Hathi Trust Digital
Lieutenant-Colonel Keber, of the 1904) (San Juan: Editorial Universita- Library, Princeton University.
Signal Corps, ran a flying line into ria, 1977), 126-128. 59 Ibíd., 11. El texto original lee como
the city of Yauco with only twenty 48 William H. Hunt, Second Annual sigue:
soldiers, and commanded the city Report… 1902, 93, 94, 147; Report of The prospects for growth in tele-
until the arrival of the troops under the Commissioner of the Interior… phones and revenues are generally
General Boy Stone. 1902, 26; Rodríguez Braschi, , “Servi- the same in Porto Rico as in Cuba.
37 Picó, Historia General de Puerto cio de telégrafos…”, 710. The population of the island at the
Rico, 255; Dietz, Economic History 49 Rodríguez Braschi, “Servicio de present time is about 1,300,000 and
of Puerto Rico…, 171-172; G. A. Baralt, telégrafos…”, 710; Disdier, Datos is increasing at the rate of about
Tradición de futuro, El primer siglo históricos de Telefónica Vol. I, Parte 200,000 in each decade. It is conser-
del Banco Popular de Puerto Rico 1, 13. Ver también R. Morales Cortés, vatively estimated that in the next
(1893-1993) (San Juan: Banco Popular Telecommunications in Puerto Rico, ten years the present per capita de-
de Puerto Rico, 1993), 37-38. velopment should more than double,
38 Carrel, Register of Puerto Rico 50 Disdier, Datos históricos de Tele- in which basis the total number of
for 1910, 182,183. El texto original lee fónica, Vol. I, Parte 1, 13. stations should exceed 30,000 in 1933.
como sigue: 51 Carrel, Register of Puerto Rico for 60 M. Wilkins, The Maturing of
The entire telegraph system of the 1910, 183. Multinational Enterprise: American
island was destroyed by the cyclone 52 Ibíd. Business Abroad from 1914 to 1970
on August 8, 1899, and only such 53 “Report of the Commissioner (Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univer-
lines as were deemed necessary of the Interior”, exhibit en Annual sity Press, 1974); R. Sobel, ITT: The
for the military operation were Report of the Governor of Porto Rico Management of Opportunity (Times
rebuilt by the Signal Corps, leaving 1907, 328. Books, 1982); Calvo, Historia de Tele-
many towns, some of considerable 54 E. A. Munger, “The Telephone fónica: 1925-1975.
commercial importance, without Systems and Service in Porto Rico”, 61 The International Telephone and
telegraphic communication. Telephony, Vol. 67, Núm. 22, 1914, 19-21 Telegraph Corporation: A Descrip-
39 Rodríguez Braschi, “Servicio de (Archivo General de Puerto Rico, Fon- tion…, 3.
telégrafos…”, 704; Report of the Com- do Consejo Ejecutivo de Puerto Rico). 62 Ibíd., 3. El texto original lee como
missioner of the Interior… 1901, 43. sigue:
40 Report of the Commissioner of
the Interior… 1901, 42.

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